Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016

Chautauqua week is upon us and the children are giggly and nervous as can be!!  We will be practicing every day, every chance we get!  Please encourage them to continue to practice at home too, the more expression the better!

In Writing we are working on comparing two versions of the same story told from two different narrators.  We are listening each story, and then taking notes on the narrative elements.  We will then use a venn diagram to compare the elements from each story and identify their differences and their similarities.

Of course in projects, the Chautauqua rules our days! Please have their costumes to school by Wednesday morning so we can do a full dress rehearsal.

In reading, we are progressing through George Washington's Socks. The book is just now getting really good and I expect a few surprised gasps shortly.  They are working really well in these new groups together. There will be no new vocabulary until after Thanksgiving. I think memorizing their Chautauqua is enough!

I sure hope to see all of you on Thursday!  Immediately after we change from our Chautauqua's, we will enjoy a root beer float together so I have the chance to tell my little people how awesome they are!

One more thing! Please send back your child's permissions slip for Health and Wellness class. We start on Thursday and regardless of whether they participate or not, we need a slip for every student. Thanks so much!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

November 2, 2016

Greetings 5th grade families, 

Just a reminder that parent conferences are tomorrow, I am excited to share their growth AND I also have their school pictures to hand out as well!  They are a pretty cute bunch!

We have been studying The Revolutionary War for the last few weeks, and will continue to do so. We have a difficult test on Thursday, November 10th. Your child has known about this for 2 weeks and has had the opportunity to study in class, however, it is their first real history test that combines vocabulary, concepts and spelling with matching, fill in the blank and short answer.  
 Please encourage them to study this weekend. They will have minimal time during class next week. They have a Quizlet to use to study and notes from a video we watched. On top of the vocabulary on Quizlet, their test will include the Declaratory Act of 1765, and The Quartering Act of 1765.

We have also been working really hard on our Chautauqua performances. We will be presenting these, in full costume on Thursday, November 17th from 2:30-3:30. We really hope you can come by. They have learned so much and have been working very hard, I think they will impress us. If they have not talked to you regarding their costume, please ask them as we still have plenty of time to be prepared. 

It is so hard to start out the week with such an exciting holiday like Halloween, they are exhausted and will need lots of sleep this weekend! 

Thank you for sharing your little people with me!
Mrs. Mori