Welcome to 5th grade at Oasis Academy! This is where you will find the information you need to keep up to date on the latest happenings in our classroom! Make sure you subscribe to this blog below so you receive an email everytime I post a new entry!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Energy Project
We have started our new science project and it is all about energy. We will cover light, sound, heat, and electricity. Our project will be to write a non-fiction book about these types of energy. There will be vocabulary words that need to be included and the book will need to have non-fiction test features like a table of contents, diagrams, captions, a glossary and an index. The students will create these books in pairs. We will share these books with the second graders at the end of the quarter. There may be supplies that we need to complete some of our investigations in the classroom. Watch the blog for these requests. Thank you!