Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back in the Swing of Things

Welcome back!  Hopefully you've all had a nice break.  We started off the new year in fifth grade with a great Tribes activity called Just One You, where the students shared something they just did over the break, one thing they want to do in 2013, and something that makes them unique.  When you stop by the school, you'll see the student work hanging outside our classroom. We are also working to memorize the 17 Nevada counties and be able to place them on a map.  The students have made flashcards and work with blank county maps to label the counties.  We will start a short project about the Native Americans of Nevada next week.

We will start up our parent journals again this week.  Please ask your child for his or her journal on Thursday.  Your child will write you a letter to tell you about his or her week and ask you a few questions.  Then write your response to your child in the journal.  I hope this journal will be a nice keepsake when the school year is over.  This is a real-life writing experience that I hope will encourage your student to express thoughts and feelings in writing.  Plus, your child gets his or her clip moved up if they get a response, which gives them a chance to earn some extra Bighorn Bucks!