Welcome to 5th grade at Oasis Academy! This is where you will find the information you need to keep up to date on the latest happenings in our classroom! Make sure you subscribe to this blog below so you receive an email everytime I post a new entry!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
January Projects
For the rest of the month our class is doing a Nevada Native Americans project. We are learning about prehistoric Native Americans, like the Lovelock Cave people,and the more recent Native American tribes that were present in the 1800's in our state. Students have been assigned a tribe to research, then they will work together to build a model of the home, clothing, and tools of their tribe so they can teach their peers. We would like to invite parents to hear our presentations as well. Presentations are tentatively scheduled for Jan. 28, which I may change if that date is too soon for the class. It will be at 2:00. We are all looking forward to what we will learn during this short project.