Monday, May 20, 2013

End of the Year Info

It's hard to believe we are at the last week of school already!  This truly has been an enjoyable class and it has been a pleasure to work with each student this year.

Here are some schedule details of this last week.

Tuesday, 5/21:
12:00 - 12:45 - Adjusted lunch time
12:45 - Students walk to Convention Center for 8th grade promotion ceremony
2:15 or so:  Return to school for project time and PE

Wednesday, 5/22:
No rotations today - classroom activities and clean up
Yearbook signing in the afternoon.

Be sure your student has his or her backpack to carry things home.

Thursday, 5/23 - Field Day at Indoor pool on Sheckler.  8:00 - 2:00, all grades
Drop off and pick up at the pool parking lot.
Dress for the weather, it may be chilly so be prepared for that.
Hot dog lunch is provided.
Bring a labeled water bottle, there will be refilling stations.
Normal clothes, covering as much as a uniform.  No tank tops or short shorts.
Label everything - towels, flip-flops, water bottles, etc.
Swimsuits also need to cover midriff, not too low in front or back.  Girls, bring a tank top to swim in if needed.

Please email me with any questions.  It's going to be a great week!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Nevada History Project

For our last project of the year, the fifth graders are working in pairs or triads, each group with a Social Studies topic.  They have been researching their topic and will begin preparing their presentation.  We will have some slide shows, some skits, some museum displays and some models.  Then the students will teach the rest of the class about their topic with their presentation.  They are pretty excited about it and they are learning a lot about Nevada History.  We will work this week and present starting Thursday, May 16 and then again on Monday, May 20.  Thank you for your willingness to round up supplies for your students!  We want to keep them working hard until the end!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

State Writing Proficiency Testing

Our testing is not done!  We have the Nevada State Writing Test coming up next week.  This test will be held in 2 sessions on May 7-8.  The testing time is from 9:50 - 11:10.   For this test, the students will be given a writing task.  The students will organize their work on paper and type their drafts on the computer.  They will have time to revise and edit their work in the testing window.  Please help your child be present, well-rested, and fed on those testing days so they can concentrate on doing their best writing during the test.