Welcome to 5th grade at Oasis Academy! This is where you will find the information you need to keep up to date on the latest happenings in our classroom! Make sure you subscribe to this blog below so you receive an email everytime I post a new entry!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Nevada History Project
For our last project of the year, the fifth graders are working in pairs or triads, each group with a Social Studies topic. They have been researching their topic and will begin preparing their presentation. We will have some slide shows, some skits, some museum displays and some models. Then the students will teach the rest of the class about their topic with their presentation. They are pretty excited about it and they are learning a lot about Nevada History. We will work this week and present starting Thursday, May 16 and then again on Monday, May 20. Thank you for your willingness to round up supplies for your students! We want to keep them working hard until the end!