Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Economics Project

This week is a short week, but it is packed with learning experiences! We officially started our Social Studies economics project.  We are making a business plan for a fictitious student store.  The students have a lot of information to discuss with their teams and decide what will be the best way to appeal to their consumers.  They are using the Oriental trading website to select items and will set prices in an effort to raise money.  Just so you know, there is no plan to really operate the student store and no plan to take a class trip at the end of the year, but that is part of the setup for this simulation.  The students were excited to work on this and I could hardly tear them away from their work when time was up.  I'm sure we have several future business owners in the class!

We also got new tribes today, so your student is sitting with new people at his or her table.  We are beginning writing conferences to give feedback on the five paragraph essay about goals.  I enjoy these individual conferences with each student.  It is a great time to look at the improvements each student has made and to see where each one can improve.  We are continuing to read our biography, Mr. Blue Jeans.  Also in reading, each student has a new goal to work on with a new strategy group.  I am excited about what we will be learning to improve our reading comprehension.

Things are going well in the fifth grade.  I love spending my days with your kids.  Thanks for sharing your delightful students with me!