Monday, October 13, 2014

End of Quarter Auctions

This is a big week in fifth grade.  We are ending the quarter, but we are also finishing up some major things in the classroom.  We finished our read aloud Wonder on Thursday.  We will finish Tuck Everlasting this week.  With both of these books, we will be discussing themes and how characters change during the course of the book.  These are two of my favorite books, both of them have great opportunities for discussion.  I highly recommend them, even to parents!

This week is our auction week.  Thank you to the parents who have already brought in auction items, Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Sorensen, and Mrs. Swan.  We will do auctions every day this week, so it's not too late to send in a treat or two.  I really appreciate it!

The Parent teacher conference schedule will be available soon!  I will hold some conferences on a Friday and some the following week, so I can accommodate everyone's schedules.  I am looking forward to meeting with everyone.  I will email you when the schedule is available for signing up.