Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Movie, Revolutionary War Project

For our Christmas party, the fifth grades will walk on Tuesday Dec. 16 to Fallon Theater to see Penguins of Madagascar. This movie is rated PG. Watch for a permission slip to come home soon. The price is $6.00 for admission, small drink, and small popcorn. The 7th and 8th graders are going on a different day that same week. Because we are doing this for our party, no food will be needed on that last day before Christmas break. We will do an activity in the classroom that afternoon, but our big celebration will be the movie.

In academic news, we are learning all about the events of the Revolutionary War. On Wednesday, your student will select a person to research and learn about for the wax museum. Your child will need a costume, so you may want to discuss that. Students may choose either gender for their historical figure, the only expectation is that students are respectful in how he or she represents the person from history. Our final presentations will be on Monday, Dec. 15. More information to follow on the location.

Have a great week!