Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015

Big thanks to Mr. Jones for volunteering to take our class to P.E. once a week! We appreciate your time.
Last week was really about getting into routine, learning about the basics of our writing and reading, getting into our project groups to begin research and creating positive habits that will help us succeed.
We did however, have a few conduct issues that we will continue to work on. It is important for us to establish the "norms" for classroom expectations and behavior in and out of the classroom. I am confident in this children and their abilities, it has been an awesome 2 weeks for me.
This week will find us solid into the Daily 3, finishing up our first books, getting deeper into our projects standards and continuing to learn about the details of writing that we will be using daily to strenghthen our writing skills. We will also have a student council class rep election in our room as well.

Thank you for sharing your children with me, they make me smile about 100 times a day!