Saturday, August 13, 2016

Are they ready??

I am so excited for Monday, are your children ready? Uniforms clean, new lunch box, new backpack, way too much $$ spent on school supplies (we did!), and no more sleeping in. That will be a hard one for our family for sure!

Don't forget that back to school night is very different this year, and will be held on Thursday night instead of before school starts.

All supplies need to be brought in Monday morning. We will sort and label and organize first thing. Pizza cards can be purchased on line this year, so make sure to take care of that as well.

We will be doing an activity called, "Sharing From A Sack" on Tuesday. Your child needs a small paper bag (something we can't see through) and one item placed inside. This item needs to be of some importance to them. Examples are awards, gifts that have special meanings, a picture of someone special in their life, an object that they cherish etc....We will be sharing these with the class as part of our TRIBES activities to help us get to know each other on a deeper level, while fostering appreciation and mutual respect for our differences. It is one of  my favorite beginning of the year activities.

I hope you enjoy the weekend, and have a calm and prompt Monday morning! See you all soon, 5th graders rock!