Monday, February 10, 2014

New Project, Writing, and Valentine's Day

This week we are finishing up our economics project with some reflection about our presentations and a quiz on the vocabulary we used during the project.  We will start our new Earth Science project with some vocabulary this week.  This new project will involve making a model, so be prepared for that.   We will do two science projects in a row before we go back to Social Studies.  Because fifth graders take the Science CRT test this year, we want to cover as much ground in Science as possible before the test dates.

In writing, we are working on a research report.  Don't be afraid, the work should be done almost entirely in the classroom.  Your student has chosen an animal and found 3 websites for research.  He or she has also chosen three headings and is taking notes to be ready to begin writing a draft later this week.  If all goes as planned, your student will bring home a copy of the rough draft to edit with you at home this weekend.  Make the changes on paper and send it back in with your child.

We will celebrate Valentine's Day with a party in the afternoon.  We will exchange cards and enjoy some nachos in the classroom.  Then we will go outside for some active partner "Minute to Win it" type games.  Thank you to all the parents who are sending in food and game items.  I love having so many willing volunteers!  Have a great week!