Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Research Report

This week we have been busily working on our animal research report during our writing time and during our Daily Five literacy blocks.  This report is on a self-selected animal.  It needs to have three headings and each heading needs to have two paragraphs.  Each student printed out his or her draft last week to take home over the long weekend to edit with an adult.   I loved seeing all the changes come in, knowing that a parent or sibling took the time to go through the paper and give helpful feedback.  Thank you for that!

After the written report is turned in, the students get to make a short slide show about their animal to share with the class.  We are all learning a lot from each other!

We are also starting our new Earth Science project next week.  This week is full of vocabulary and information-gathering.

Hope you all enjoyed your President's Day holiday.  It makes for a really short week coming back.